A tummy tuck in Delhi is a procedure that aims to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen, providing an aspect more tuned and toned. It is the third most performed cosmetic surgery in Delhi.
Despite this demand, many people have doubts about how abdominoplasty in Delhi is performed, what the indications are, among other issues. To minimize such questions, plastic surgeon in Delhi answered the 7 most recurring questions when it comes to abdominoplasty. Check out!
1. How does abdominoplasty surgery work?
The first step in an abdominal dermolipectomy, also known as abdominoplasty, is the patient’s anesthesia. Then, the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi makes a horizontal incision below the navel close to the pelvic area and makes a tunnel under the skin that goes up to the level of the stomach.
The next step is to detach the skin from the abdominal muscle and suture the musculature, preventing it from loosening in the future. Because of this, abdominoplasty is also used to restore muscles that are weakened or separated.
Finally, the plastic surgeon in Delhi removes the remaining skin and holds the patient’s navel, since it is necessary to release it to perform this type of plastic surgery on the belly, and closes the skin incisions.
2. When is abdomen plastic surgery indicated?
It is important to note that abdominoplasty in Delhi is not indicated for weight loss. Only dietary reeducation and physical exercise, both performed with the appropriate professional support, are capable of providing weight loss.
Therefore, in order to undergo plastic surgery on the belly, the patient must be in favorable physical conditions, as well as having the ideal weight based on the BMI. In addition, plastic surgery in Delhi for the abdomen is advised in the following cases:
Aging: due to the increase in sagging in the abdominal region that appears over time;
Pregnancy: when there is excess tissue and flaccidity after a pregnancy;
Weight variation: due to sudden weight loss or gain, generating the famous “concertina effect”;
Previous surgery on the abdomen: abdominoplasty is used as a restorative surgery when other procedures leave the region more flaccid, such as bariatric surgery;
Genetic inheritance: when the person acquires flaccidity due to the genetic influence of family members.
3. What is the difference between liposuction and abdominoplasty?
Both are surgeries performed on the belly, however, the difference is in the objective of each one. While abdominoplasty removes excess skin, providing an effect on the outer part of the skin, liposuction eliminates the fat located below the skin, generating an internal effect.
In most cases, these procedures are combined to offer an even more noticeable result and consistent with the patient’s expectations.
4. How much does an abdominoplasty cost?
Although the price of abdominoplasty is a popular topic on the internet, it can only be clarified in the office through a specific assessment of each case.
However, it is possible to show the aspects that are covered when determining the value of plastic surgery on the belly. Are they:
Consultation before the procedure;
Diagnostic tests (in this case, you can use the health insurance);
Fees of the surgeon and the team that will participate in the surgery (based on experience, location of the office, etc.);
Hospital expenses for hospitalization and use of the operating room;
Costs with the trip to and from the hospital;
Expenses with medications and compression mesh after plastic surgery on the belly;
Conducting lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling.
5. What are the cares after abdominoplasty?
As it is a highly complex surgery, the patient must take some care after tummy tuck in Delhi to improve recovery and avoid complications. Check out some recommendations during this period:
Start light leg movement as soon as possible;
Keep in a moderately curved position during the first fortnight;
Take care of the dressings as instructed by the plastic surgeon in Delhi;
Adopt a light and balanced diet;
Avoid physical effort;
Bathing with the help of a close person to wash the rest of the body and avoid the abdomen;
Sleeping on your back and with legs elevated and slightly bent;
Getting out of bed without using the abdomen;
Take only the medicines prescribed by the doctor;
Walk at home with the help of a person to help with blood circulation;
Use the compression mesh over approximately 35 days;
Do not immerse baths in swimming pools or bathtubs until medical clearance.
6. How long does it take to recover from an abdominoplasty?
On average, it takes 12 months to recover from plastic surgery on the abdomen. However, this process happens gradually, and until the 6th month there will be a certain degree of swelling that will decrease with time.
7. How long can I work out again after abdominoplasty?
It is suggested that the patient wait 30 days after the abdominoplasty to resume physical activities, performing only exercises with less impact. After 90 days, if the surgeon authorizes it, the patient can return to weight training and abdominal exercises.
Before performing an abdominoplasty in Delhi, it is crucial that the patient is aware that the procedure is the most suitable for what he wants.